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Life-Changing Healthcare Solutions under the Guidance of Expert Spine Surgeon

Mr. Ernest Parson, Canada
Spine Surgery in India

Mr. Ernest Parson has always been a very active and adventurous person and he loved to talk about all the activities he used to take up during his healthy days in Canada. Unfortunately, a few years back he encountered a back injury while trekking and that was the beginning of a painful and mostly stay-in-bed life.

However, Dheeraj Bojwani Consultants turned out to be a life-changing gateway for him as he is now able to do all those activities again without having to worry about his back pain as they have successfully cured him performing a spine surgery.

His attendant in Canada Jacob Parson was really determined to ensure that Mr. Ernest should be able to live his life fully again. Every time they used to meet, Ernest used to tell him the stories of his outdoor adventures and how much he missed living that life.

It was after regular medication and therapies for more than a year, Jacob decided to consult the spine surgeon in India as he had good experience with his previous patients who had undergone the surgery. The assistants at Dheeraj Bojwani Consultants connected him to Saifee Hospital, Mumbai.

The staff at hospital called for Mr. Ernest medical reports and after discussing with their team of surgeons, they asked Jacob to arrange for Ernest’s travel to India for the spine surgery.

Before the surgery, Dr.Arvind Kulkarni conducted a few medical tests in order to see the risks that could be involved in performing the surgery. It was a long surgery of 5 hours but when the doctors announced afterwards that it was a complete success with no complications involved, Mr. Ernest was really beaming with happiness even in that hospital bed.

In fact, he was taken care of properly after the surgery and informed about all the precautions he will be required to take initially during his recovery period.

Mr. Ernest Parson was really impressed by the services and care by Dheeraj Bojwani Consultants and have been recommending it to anybody who requires medical assistance ever since.

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