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Price Compare

The Comparative Costs between India and other developed countries like US, UK, and Singapore - Approximate Figures In US Dollars.

Bone Marrow Transplant upto 200,000 upto 200,000 - upto 25,000
Bypass Surgery 35,000 25,000 - 6,000
Breast Lump Removal - 3,200 1,000 700
Haemorrhoidectomy - 3,800 1,500 1000
Knee Joint Replacement - 15,000 7,000 5,000
Lasik Surgery 4,000 2,800 1,600 700
No Stitch Cataract Surgery 4,500 2,600 - 700
In-vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycle 15,000 - - 1,800
Hernia Correction 2,800 2,700 2,500 1,000
Dental Implants 3500 2800 1600 800
Cost of Varicose Ulcer Treatment, Varicose Vein Removal in India, Cost of Dental Bridges, Dental Caps, Dental Crowns in Mumbai India, Cost of Buttock Lift, Chin Surgery, Dermabrasion, Ear Surgery in delhi India, Cost of Discectomy - Slipped Disc, Spinal Stenosis Operation, Spine - Total Disc Replacement in Bangalore India, Cost Of Heart Transplant, Heart/Lung Transplant, Bypass surgery in India, Cost of Hysterectomy, Laparoscopy, Hydrocele Operation, Pilonidal Sinus, Spleen Removal - Splenectomy in Calcutta India, Cost of Thyroidectomy, Prostatectomy, Vasectomy, Vasectomy Reversal, Haemorrhoidectomy, Hemi-Colectomy in India