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Neuro Hospitals in Mumbai, India providing Glioma Surgery

Getting treatment at one of the Neuro Hospitals in Mumbai, India is a good option for you because these hospitals have the latest state of the art medical facilities. Although India is a developing country, various medical facilities available here at so good that they are at par with corporate hospitals of the west and sometimes even better. We at Dheeraj Bojwani Group will assist you to get best medical treatment at the best Neuro Hospitals in Mumbai, India. With wide pool of resources, India has a number of Neuro hospitals offering a comprehensive range of diagnostic and therapeutic options for several neuro diseases.

A gliomais a type oftumorthat starts in the brain or spine. It is called a glioma because it arises fromglial cells. The most common site of gliomas is thebrain. Symptoms of gliomas depend on which part of the central nervous system is affected. Abrain gliomacan causeheadaches,nauseaand vomiting,seizures, andcranial nervedisorders as a result of increased intracranial pressure. A glioma of theoptic nervecan cause visual loss. Spinal cord gliomas can causepain,weakness, ornumbnessin the extremities. Gliomas do notmetastasizeby the bloodstream, but they can spread via thecerebrospinal fluidand cause "drop metastases" to the spinal cord. High-grade gliomas are highly-vascular tumorsand have a tendency to infiltrate. They have extensive areas ofnecrosisandhypoxia. Often tumor growth causes a breakdown of theblood-brain barrierin the vicinity of the tumor. As a rule, high-grade gliomas almost always grow back even after complete surgical excision. On the other hand, low-grade gliomas grow slowly, often over many years, and can be followed without treatment unless they grow and cause symptoms. Gliomas cannot be cured. The prognosis for patients with high-grade gliomas is generally poor, and is especially so for older patients. Treatment forbrain gliomasdepends on the location, the cell type and the grade of malignancy. Often, treatment is a combined approach, using surgery,radiation therapy, andchemotherapy. The radiation therapy is in the form of external beam radiation or thestereotacticapproach using radio surgery. Spinal cord tumors can be treated by surgery and radiation.Temozolomideis a chemotherapeutic drug that is able to cross the bloodeffectively and is being used in therapy.

Neuro Hospitals in Mumbai, India are backed by cutting-edge technology and internationally trained, highly qualified medical professionals, who administer the best-available medical services across all major disciplines of medicine and surgery. Glioma Surgery in India is available at various Neuro Hospitals in Mumbai, India that offer world class medical facilities. It is performed by highly experienced surgeons. Most of them have worked abroad in countries like UK and US. Hence, it makes it easier for them to understand the needs of international patients. Neuro Hospitals in Mumbai, India are advanced by latest technology with the most competent and highly skilled health care professionals and offer comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to treat patients.

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India & International - +91-9860755000 / +91-9371136499
UK – +44-2081332571
Canada & USA – +1-4155992537
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