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Cameroon Patient Gets Successful Brain Aneurysm Surgery in India

Hana Julienne - Cameroon

Brain Aneurysm Surgery – Dr. Bipin SwarnaWalia

Normally everyone takes headaches lightly and keeps moving after popping a pill simply. But when it becomes so severe that it affects normal working, it certainly is worth attending to. I, somehow, kept going even after episodes of headaches, but one day everything changed when I fainted while running an errand. The medical examination confirmed it as a case of a brain aneurysm. Thanks to Dr.Bipin Swarna Walia and the team for Successful Brain Aneurysm Surgery in India that I am here to tell you my story of survival from a life-threatening condition.

First things first. I start by introducing myself. I am Hana Julienne from Cameroon. Right now I am 23, living a normal life. It certainly was not the same when I was 17. I was a chain smoker, had a stressful life and was very much into partying and socializing. Erroneous food habits, love for drinks and a tendency to build stress in mind over petty things led to a life-threatening condition in me.

It was a hot summer day when I went out shopping. I had some bouts of headache in the past but this week was slightly different in the sense that these bouts repeated themselves a bit more frequently. To dodge my attention from this, I went out shopping for some goodies in the store nearby. All of a sudden, I started feeling giddy and before I could realize what was happening to me, I fell down and passed. Thankfully, my neighbor was with me. She raised the alarm and I was taken to the hospital immediately. She called up my dad to reach the hospital and stayed with me until my dad would reach the hospital.

When I came to senses, the doctor asked me many questions regarding my smoking habit, my work, and of course, about the headache. I told him everything that I could recollect. He asked me if I could see clearly. I realized that I had double vision and told him about it. He suggested getting some tests done. My city is not so equipped in terms of medical facilities. So, we went to the nearby town where tests like MRI scans, Cerebral Angiogram, and Cerebrospinal fluid tests were possible to do. We got these tests done. Honestly speaking, these tests did shake my budget to some extent. Anyway, we waited for the results.

When the reports came, we went to see the doctor again. He said to me, “You have a brain aneurysm and the swelling is about 1 inch in diameter.” I was a bit shaken to hear this. I asked if it was cancer in my brain. He said no. It is an aneurysm and went on to explain to me what it meant in simpler terms. He concluded by saying, “ You require a brain surgery for aneurysm immediately.” It was as bad as someone reading to be a death sentence. I certainly had no idea I had such severe condition and the very thought of surgery tensed me badly. I almost was fighting my tears after listening to it.

With a heavy heart, we came back home. Kids asked me where I went and what happened to me. I honestly had no words to explain to them that I was dying (I was feeling like the same at the point). My condition definitely was not good, according to my doctor and he suggested me to get the surgery done as soon as possible. I decided to meet him again. He gave me an appointment for the coming week.

On meeting, I asked him, “Is there any way to avoid surgery?” He told me that he definitely would have suggested medicines first, but the reports suggested that I should not be wasting time in finding alternatives. So, then I said, “You know the condition of Medical Services in our city, for that matter in our whole province. Where could I get this kind of surgery done?” He immediately said, “India.” I looked at him thinking that he was joking or what. He said, “ No, I am serious.” The best solution for thin will be to go to India and get the surgery done and come back. I asked him how it was possible.

He said that a few of his patients had a similar situation, and they opted for medical tourism in India. I had no idea what it was. So, I asked him to explain it further. He told me:

  • Medical tourism in India is a prolific industry. People in tunes of millions go yearly to India to get surgeries done of various kinds.
  • The patients are assigned to the best doctors and surgeons and they are treated in the super-specialty hospitals equipped with world-class facilities.
  • All processed related to medical visas, tickets, etc. are managed by the medical tourism company.
  • The company has a tie-up with the best hotels in the city where treatment is to be done. So, stay, food, intracity transfers, etc. are all included in the package.
  • It costs more than 50% less than what is applicable in countries like the USA, Australia, and others.

We came back home and were very puzzled about how to take it further. We decided to do a bit of research and tried finding more about it over the web. There were many medical tourism companies enlisted in Google. I decided to pick Dheeraj Bhojwani-a Medical Tourism Provider as their way of explaining services was very informative. They had an impressive list of happy patients who got the surgery done through them. It made me a bit confident and I called up the number given on their website.

A very polite lady greeted me on picking the phone and asked me what the purpose was. I was very much impressed by her way of talking. She was behaving very warmly over the phone and made me feel comfortable instantly. I told her about me and shared what my doctor told me. I wanted her to find if surgery could be avoided or if there was any alternative treatment available. She listened to me very patiently. She said she would need my reports to forward to the doctors on their panel to find answers to my queries. I asked her:

  • How long doctors take to respond to such queries?
  • How could Dheeraj Bhojwani consultant help me in getting this treatment done in India?
  • How soon will I be going back to my country?

She answered all my queries one by one. She, first of all, requested me to relax and told me that aneurysm is not something incurable. Its surgery is advisable, but not in all cases. She asked me to send my reports to her email ID. I immediately did that. She asked me to wait for about three days. She told me:

  • Doctors will respond to my queries and will give their recommendations within a week.
  • Dheeraj Bhojwani consultants will arrange for medical visas, tickets, stay in a hotel, doctor’s appointment and admission to prescribed hospital and other related matters.
  • Going back will depend upon the severity of the condition and healing process, doctors would be the correct people telling about it.

I had no choice but to wait. And boy, I was waiting quite eagerly. To keep my mind occupied, I started reading about aneurysm and its possible causes and solutions. I found out: An aneurysm is a kind of ailment developed in the brain due to an erratic lifestyle, a lot of stress, smoking habits, etc.

An aneurysm which is 1 inch and bigger in diameter are most likely to get ruptured causing bleeding in the brain which can make a person suffer from neurological issues.The surgery for aneurysm of this size was necessary to regulate the flow of blood through arteries and to prevent a rupture in the future. I still prayed for it to be not my case and waited eagerly for the revert.

The Dheeraj Bhojwani Consultant called me back and was ready with the Indian Doctors’ feedback. She said that surgery was necessary or else it may cause big damage in the coming times. I accepted my fate and asked her who will be doing my surgery. She gave me the names and profiles of the doctors on their panel and left it for me to choose. I went through each profile and the name of Dr. Bipin Swarna Walia Best Neurosurgeon in India clicked me. He was a well-qualified doctor and had done a number of brain surgeries in the past. His experience and working in the best hospitals in India made me more confident about my choice and I conveyed the same to the Dheeraj Bhojwani Consultant over the phone.

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She congratulated me on choosing Dr. Bipin and asked me to share the documents that she required for a visa. She said that I should be ready to come to India by the following month as it was a matter of the brain, so the doctor wanted to treat it on priority. I had made up my mind for the treatment in India and immediately sent her the needed documents.

She got my tickets arranged within the stipulated time. Meanwhile, my mom came down to be with my kids and they promised me that all would be fine back home when I would be away. I got my dad to come with me to India. Finally, on 15th April 2014, I landed in India. We were given the name and number of the coordinator who would be with us throughout my stay in India. He drove us to a luxury hotel and got us checked in to the finest suite from where we could enjoy various beautiful views of the city. It freshened me up in no time and waited eagerly to meet the doctor. Our visit to the doctor was due the next day. So, we rested in our room and strolled in the hotel. Our coordinator was always ready to help us with whatever we needed and was always quick to respond.

The next day at 10 am, we went to the hospital. The hospital was huge and had special cells for neurology cases. Dr. Bipin Swarn Walia was sitting in his cabin and greeted us with a very friendly smile. He was very cheerful and confident in his behavior and never got irritated by our volley of questions. We asked him:

  • Were there any risks associated with surgery?
  • What would be the recovery time?
  • How soon will I be allowed to go back to my country?

He answered all the questions with full attention. He explained to me what my condition was. He made it very clear that the survival rate of my surgery was fairly high. He said that he has done lots of surgeries of this nature and there were no complications afterward. He assured me that he will do his best to cure my health problem. He shared that the recovery time is about a week. My surgery was robotic one with minimal invasion. He explained to me the whole procedure. It included surgical clipping to seal the unruptured brain aneurysm to regulate the flow of blood and to avoid a rupture in the future. He made it clear that I may witness some changes in life after surgery, most of which were related to my physical activities. We all prayed for the best and then I was taken in for surgery after two days. Meanwhile, my liver function test, blood test, etc. were done to ensure that my vital functions were not largely affected. All was fine thankfully and he said that I was fit for surgery.

On the day of the surgery, my doctor was very much prepared. He was quite on time and did not take much time to start the surgery. My father was waiting for me in the waiting lounge throughout my surgery. The Dheeraj Bhojwani representative attended to my father quite sincerely. He checked on him for anything that he required from time to time and also got him coffee. We did not miss any close friends; he was that nice to us!

The surgery took around three hours and was Successful brain aneurysm Surgery in India. After this, I was shifted to ICU where I got back to senses after about an hour after the surgery. My doctor was waiting for me to wake up. He had given thorough instructions to attendants and nurses about the post-operation care and they did everything with a lot of care and caution. I was attended very sincerely by the staff and they were really devoted to making me feel comfortable.

After three days, Dr. Bipin asked me to do certain activities to check my brain function. I was very much dizzy and he asked me to rest as much as I could. He gave my father full details about the post-operation care schedule and gave him the names of medicines I was required to take. He OKed my condition after he felt fully confident about the stability of my condition. The doctor had explained to me already that I may not be very much active and in control of my matters soon; he asked me to stay very patient and hopeful and happy. He gave us his personal number where we could reach him in case of any emergency. Finally, I came back to my country and followed the schedule. Please note that I gave up smoking completely and did follow a rehabilitation program, too, while my stay in India at the same hospital. That helped me gain a lot of physical strength and ease of mobility.

I can do all things like a normal person; however, I avoid taking physically demanding jobs like climbing stairs or running, etc. It was solely due to the timely diagnosis and flawless treatment done by Dr. Bipin that I could sail through this life-threatening condition with added ease.I must confess that I got to taste the flavor of Indian hospitality while my medical tourism to India and it left me impressed completely. The people of Dheeraj Bhojwani- a Medical Service Provider, Dr. Bipin and his team for Successful brain aneurysm Surgery in India are God sent saviors to me who gave me the best possible way of coming out of a difficult situation. I highly recommend anyone to go to India to get the surgery done. The idea is certainly feasible and quite affordable too.

Thank You
Hana Julienne from Cameroon


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